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Find out more about the differences that we have in rural and urban families.

You will find four different sub pages full of information we have put together.

Families in rural and urban areas

Families in rural and urban areas

In this blog, you will find information on families in the rural area and families in the urban area. We wanted to see the difference in pregnancies, domestic violence, urban and rural differences and how families in the rural and urban live. The information we have provided is just to educate ourselves and to provide an insight to yourselves on how both rural and urban life works. We hope you enjoy some of the information we have provided.


Rural Village

Domestic Abuse findings in the Rural Areas. 


In the rural areas we have found that women enduring domestic violence are less likely as urban victims to engage with police and report their suffering. They are being failed by the authorities with the perpetrator being normally shielded by a country side culture says, a report by the nation rural crime network, the National Rural Crime network has also said;  It has been found that the abusers are protected by the countryside isolation and traditional patriarchal attitudes.  


When victims move to rural areas or have grown up in rural areas, isolation is used as a weapon by their abusers. They take financial control, they isolate their victims from friends and family and this is a well understood method of abuse. 


Escape in the rural area is a lot more difficult than in the urban areas because of resources being cut in public services, the availability of these service in rural areas are limited so there are no escape routes available to rural victims. 


I myself have been through the rural domestic violence route and I found it very hard to get the authorities to understand and be empathetic to my experiences, I had two children by the same perpetrator and I had to eventually give up my home and all my belongings and flee to Aberystwyth to stay with my cousin, I had no help from the authorities, I just had my children and my cousin yo help me. Almost four years later I have my own property with an amazing partner and outreach workers, with out these services, I would have been left in danger and my children taken away from. 


 Difference in rural and urban families  

In rural society life we have learned they are simple living people and that is shown in their way of living,food habits, dress style, manners and housing. We found out that people in the rural society tend to have a more enjoyable life and there is a lot of differences between rural and urban spaces. Rural and urban areas are decided on the density of population, development, opportunities and job prospects etc.

The urban and rural areas are cut into different categories; Urban and Rural. The urban settlement where the rates of industrialisation, urbanisation is on on the up. In the next  breath, the rural settlement is growing compared to urban areas. that

There is an important difference between the urban and rural areas. The urban city is over populated and rural places have less populated areas.

We learned to understand that the two settlements can be extremely different, especially on information about human structure and the residents of that area.

Apparently the maximum part of of our population live in urban places and the amount of land secured by the urban city is a lot more than the rural spaces.

Family is everything in the rural areas and its hold is tight.In the rural spaces there is no  need for social adaptability and it is not a fast paced environment. Rural society has no division of labour, but men still do not respect or give grace to their women as they would to men. In the rural areas there are very few employment chances and not many incentives to the unemployed rural people.


We found out that the urban life in the city isn't very simple but actually quite hard and complex. Life in the urban areas is very fast paced and there are a lot more job opportunities, so your work life and home life is always busy. In the city there are a lot of different religions and cultures, so they therefor do not enjoy  the same social status as you would in the rural areas, city people we found don't really have the time to stand and gaze, its just busy busy busy. Apparently people in the city are materialistic and less appreciative of their surroundings. In the big city families may also not be as tight with each other like the rural communities, as many  old ways have been replaced with technology and associations. Did you know we learned that you would find it hard pressed to come across pure culture. Urban communities have always had a division of labour and specialisation for the job sectors. As a woman from the city, i learned women enjoy the city and a high social status. The city provides both innovative job opportunities  and prospects for their employees, but this in turn frustrates the rural community who then decide to find solace in the cities which respects their abilities and judge their worth.

Urban Traffic
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